Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Event II: Infinity Structures: Paradoxical Spaces by Robert Gero

I attended Robert Gero’s exhibit expecting something similar to Kathy High’s exhibit: a collection of diverse components playing to a major theme. Therefore, I was quite surprised and even a little perplexed at the overall simplicity of Infinity Structures. Just standing at the doorway you could see the whole exhibit: an intricately designed maze of white Styrofoam beams highlighted with pillows propped up in random corners, no explanation in sight. In the background played a low rumbling but unobtrusive audio track.

View from the entrance
Source of inspiration
I realize that using “simplicity” to describe the overall exhibit discredits the intricacy of the architecture and composition. Gero aimed to create a finite infinity, or a constant container housing infinite permutations of repetition. He utilizes props and draws inspiration from the scene of his exhibitions. The pillows were taken from a back room in the CNSI building, and the staircase outside inspired the very contents of the room. 

Section most resembling stairs
As a math major, I really enjoyed the geometric intricacy of the exhibit, the sharp edges contrasted with the soft formless pillows. A panning light highlighted this, creating infinitely more geometric shadows on the wall. The audio created a pulsing feeling, a feeling that when combined with the panning light created the impression that the structure was growing and shrinking within its confines.

A infinite pulsing feeling
Formless accent pillows 
 There are elements of philosopher Spinoza’s thoughts in Gero’s work. Spinoza considered infinity not necessarily as a numerical infinity, but rather a totality (Shein). Gero incorporates this by creating one unchanging structure, “totality,” but an infinitely changing interior. This intersection of the two cultures is something I want to see more of in future art and science. As a math major, I have realized the omnipresence of infinity and practical importance of being able to visualize it. In physics, infinity can be observed in black holes. In academia and applied sciences, long-term effects are often predicted by imposing a limit on infinity. I believe the increased presence of science in art will allow those who aren’t trained in the discipline to understand the otherwise highly technical work.

Shein, Noa. "Spinoza's Theory of Attributes." Stanford University. Stanford University, 3 Feb. 2009. Web. 2 June 2015. <http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/spinoza-attributes/>.

"EXHIBITION: Infinity Structures: Paradoxical Spaces by Robert Gero | UCLA Art | Sci Center Lab." UCLA Art | Sci Center Lab. Web. 2 June 2015. <http://artsci.ucla.edu/?q=events/exhibition-infinity-structures-paradoxical-spaces-robert-gero>.

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